The Brooks Court Reporting Blog
For attorneys, paralegals, court reporters and legal professionals.
The History of Court Reporting and Stenography
Court reporters and stenographers owe much of their success to the recent rapid development of technologies and resources that they now have at their disposal. The need to capture the spoken word to be referenced by governing/judicial authorities as well as future...

Tips for Scheduling Depositions in Other States
When you need to conduct a deposition outside of your local state, how do you schedule a court reporter? Maybe you’ve scheduled many out-of-town depositions in your career, but maybe you haven’t. Whether you’re an attorney, paralegal, or legal assistant, let’s discuss...

3 Tactical Advantages of Video Depositions for Attorneys
It is a foregone conclusion that professional law firms try to acquire and command the most up-to-date resources to strengthen their case, put some power in their corner, or pack some extra ammunition in their can, so to speak. In this arms race, video has emerged as...